Dr. Lisa Bourque & Associates
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Centre
Commonly Asked Questions:
- How do I make an appointment?
- How quickly can I see a therapist?
- How quickly can a psychological assessment be scheduled?
- Are my sessions confidential?
- What can I expect in my first therapy appointment?
- Why should I seek therapy?
- What are the fees and method of payment for your services?
- Will my extended health benefits cover your service?
- Is there a sliding fee scale?
- Is counseling one person only or can my whole family come in together?
- Do I need a referral from a doctor?
How do I make an appointment?
Please call our main line at (905) 730-6289 to speak directly with Dr. Lisa Bourque who will be happy to assist you to meet your needs. I will answer your questions and have a brief discussion about your concerns or the area of service you may require. To register you as a client, we will need some personal information (e.g.: name, address, phone number, and insurance information). We will strive to provide prompt and effective service. Most appointments occur within a week of your first contact with the therapist.
How quickly can I see a therapist?
Your therapist will contact you within 48 hours to schedule your initial appointment. There is no waiting list and most appointments occur within one week of your first contact with the therapist.
How quickly can a Psychological Assessment be scheduled?
A Psychological Assessment can usually be scheduled within one to two weeks of your initial contact with the office. To register for an assessment, contact Dr. Lisa Bourque at (905) 730-6289 and your needs will be assessed and assigned to the most suitable associate. A full report is generally provided two weeks after the assessment is completed.
Are my sessions confidential?
We respect your right to privacy and confidentiality. Information will not be communicated, directly or indirectly, to a third party without your informed and written consent.
We have legal and ethical obligations which may limit your right to privacy and confidentiality:
- informing the Children's Aid Society if there is a suspicion of a child being at risk or in need of protection due to neglect, or physical, sexual, or emotional abuse
- releasing a client's file if court ordered to do so
- informing an appropriate family member, health care professional, or police if necessary of a client's intention to end his or her own life
- informing a potential victim of violence of a client's intention to harm
- reporting a regulated health practitioner who has had a sexual relationship with a client
- providing access to the clinical records to the College of Psychologists of Ontario when legally required to do so.
What can I expect at my first therapy appointment?
Your safety and confidence is primary. Most first appointments are one hour. Your therapist will introduce herself to you, and provide you with an overview of their experience and credentials. You will be asked to review and sign a Consent to Services Agreement which should answer most of the questions you may have about the process. You can expect discussion about your presenting problem or concern, and the gathering of relevant historical and medical information.
Your therapist will discuss with you a plan for service which could include goals, expectations, frequency of visits and duration of treatment.
Why should I seek therapy?
Mental health problems are common and seeking help to prevent or overcome them is a sign of courage, strength, and health. Many individuals experience difficulties after marriage breakdown, job layoff, mid-life crisis, and workplace accident or serious disease, the death of a close relative or friend, a business failure and so on. Emotional and behavioral problems affect individuals from all walks of life, at all income levels, and at all ages. Services provided by mental health professionals are an integral part of one's complete health care.
What are the fees and method of payment for your services?
Fee schedules and methods of payment will vary depending upon the nature of the services you require plus the competency and training of the professional providing the service.
General Therapy
For therapy clients who need individual, couple or family counselling, the fees are set and agreed upon at the initial intake call and paid for by the client at the end of each session.
Although OHIP does not cover psychological services, most extended health benefits programs do. In this case the client submits the invoice to their insurance carrier and is reimbursed.
Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) therapy
If you were psychologically injured as a result of a motor vehicle accident then your fees, if approved, will be covered and paid directly by your auto insurance carrier.
Workers Safety Insurance Board (WSIB)
If you were psychologically injured as a result of a work place injury then, if approved, your fees will be covered and paid directly by the WSIB.
Short and Long Term Disability
If you are unable to perform your work duties due to a psychological condition and are eligible for short or long term disability, then your disability insurance carrier may cover your therapy sessions and if the sessions are not covered, then you may have coverage through your extended health benefits.
Will my extended health benefits cover your services?
Our services are covered by most extended insurance plans (e.g., Sun Life, Manulife, Great West Life, Blue Cross etc.) and some Employee Assistance Plans (EAPs). Psychological services are not covered by OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Plan). Extended health plans can differ. Please check your insurance plan regarding coverage and claim procedures.
Is there a sliding fee scale?
Yes, a sliding scale fee may be considered under special circumstances.
Is counselling for one person only or can my whole family come in together?
We provide individual, couple and family therapy. Often when one member of a family has a problem, everyone is affected. Wherever possible we encourage the family to meet together and help develop solutions and strategies that will work for them.
Do I need a referral from a doctor?
Our services do not require a referral from a doctor. However, a referral for service may be required by your insurance carrier. Various plans differ so please check with your coverage provider regarding claim procedures prior to your first appointment. If a referral is needed by your doctor, it need only state, "I refer _________ for psychological consultation or assessment".